Fake Science in the Covid Epoch
Many instances of plausible scientific claptrap or bad science have occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Here is some content from this week.
Plausibility But Not Science Has Dominated Public Discussions of the Covid Pandemic BY HARVEY RISCH. Many other instances of plausible scientific claptrap or bad science have occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic. Medical journals routinely and uncritically publish this nonsense as long as conclusions align with government policies. This body of fake knowledge has been promulgated at the highest levels, by the NSC, FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO, Wellcome Trust, AMA, medical specialty boards, state and local public health agencies, multinational pharma companies and other organizations around the world that have violated their responsibilities to the public or have purposely chosen not to understand the fake science.
Some Blunt Observations on a Trump Candidacy BY RAMESH THAKUR. By contrast to Trump, after an initial but mercifully brief embrace of lockdown, DeSantis created Florida as a refuge of sanity in a world gone Covid-crazy. As Michael Senger notes, his victory is a huge win for the anti-lockdown cause.
The Bigger FTX Scandal is “Effective Altruism” BY SONIA ELIJAH. FTX’s funding of the TOGETHER Trial did advance the official COVID-19 narrative of the ‘vaccines being the only way out’ and simultaneously help drive the profit-making agenda of the pharmaceutical-industrial complex. Therefore, whilst many scandals have arisen from the king of crypto’s dealings, the suppression of life-saving treatment is a scandal that’s entirely in a league of its own.
Time to Unmask the Truth BY ERIC PAYNE. It is astounding hypocrisy to recommend that young children wear masks in their own homes, then go maskless at an indoor crowded event a few days later. Health officials must immediately provide policy-level evidence of the direct benefit of masking to kids themselves or be willing to defend their misguided and harmful advice in a debate. Please embrace informed consent and patient autonomy, stop allowing our children to be used as pawns in military fear propaganda, and as adult COVID-19 shields.
Four Myths about Pandemic Preparedness BY DAVID BELL. We are being deceived for a reason. Whatever that is, going along with a deception is a poor choice. Denial of truth never leads to a good place. When public health policy is based on a demonstrably false narrative, it is the role of public health workers, and the public, to oppose it.
The Bad Science of Choral Singing Bans Due to Covid By TOBY YOUNG. Readers will recall the ban on singing of all kinds during the lockdowns and even after they were lifted because singing was supposedly a ‘transmission risk’. Turns out, this typical piece of Covid hysteria was based on a flawed study.
The CDC as We Know It Has to Go By BRANT HADAWAY. The CDC should stop treating us like we are stupid. Give us the data – all of the data, not just cherry-picked data – to allow us to make informed decisions about how to conduct our lives.
New Thinking on ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ By PAUL FRIJTERS, GIGI FOSTER, MICHAEL BAKER. While the inner world of the Truth Speaker might be our last refuge, even if we feel we have nothing else and are completely overpowered by fanatical totalitarians who deny us all other space and companionship, we need to think and act much bigger. We are not that small or downtrodden, nor as isolated. We can win, and we will.
The Doctor Who Can Rebuild Trust: Joseph Ladapo By JEFFREY A. TUCKER. Even though Dr. Joseph Ladapo is obviously a hero (and one for the ages, so far as I’m concerned), the prose here is remarkably lucid, humble, and precise. That’s why I say that the humane concern in this book is an inspiration. Moreover, reading it is a form of therapy because he connects with a common sense that we all had in 2019 before the world descended into utter madness.
Doc Tracy and the Case of the California Medical Misinformation Bill By DANIEL NUCCIO. On the other side of the fourth wall, the confrontation between Lawson and Doc Tracy, played by former UCLA anesthesiologist, Dr. Christopher Rake, took place on December 6, 2021. Two days later on December 8, Lawson took to Twitter to condemn Rake and the medical freedom organization that produced the show, America’s Frontline Doctors, then went on a media blitz the following week, making appearances on CNN and MSNBC to characterize the confrontation as an attempt to intimidate and terrorize.
Who Is Involved in the Early-Spread Coverup, and Who Is Not? By WILL JONES. Both the U.S. and China clearly knew about the virus earlier than they have admitted and both are still engaged in a cover-up of what really happened and what they knew.
Myocarditis Misinformation From “Trusted Sources” By PAUL BOURDON. In the long run, COVID-19 vaccination provides little or no protection from infection. Thus, an analysis of risks versus benefits of vaccination must assess to what extent will vaccination reduce the number of infections a vaccinated person will experience and to what extent, if any, will vaccination reduce the incidence and/or severity of adverse outcomes associated with infections.
Western Australia’s Dormant Police State By REBEKAH BARNETT. For the time being, the police state lies dormant. The SoE has expired, and we have returned to some kind of nanny-state normal. However, the police state infrastructure is in place, and can be engaged at any time should the Premier and his Police Commissioner think it reasonable and necessary. Whatever that means.
The Deification of Mathematical Modeling By REV. JOHN F. NAUGLE. These weren’t prophets warning us about the future. They were profiteering charlatans who knew what they were paid to predict. Their training taught them that this was utter statistical malpractice but not one of them objected as to how their work was being used. It was produced to be propaganda and they were happy to please their benefactors.
From Covid to CBDC: The Path to Full Control By JOSH STYLMAN. Every indication is that CBDC’s arrival is imminent. Yesterday, several global banks announced a partnership with the NY Federal Reserve to pilot digital dollars. Given the ubiquity of credit/debit cards, payment apps, and other online payment systems, digital money has been bound to happen for some time. The risk isn’t the electronic part, that’s inevitable – it’s the fact that a central bank will oversee the digital currency.
Sorry to butt in. However, Look at the trouble the false profit Prof. Mattias Desmet is producing in the ranks of the people who are fighting on the same side. Desmet is a freakin’ fraud and if you fully analyze the truth and usefulness (shall I say destructiveness) of his so-called analyses of our civilization you can observe how destructive it is. The fact that now the Breggins are facing an attack from Robert Malone is heartbreaking. Look at how Desmet's bad effect is spreading among the ranks of those fighting so hard to bring truth to the world. Can’t Malone see that everyone who loves the Breggins is hurt by his lawsuit against the Breggins? Ideally the three of them (Dr. Breggin, his wife Ginger and Dr. Robert Malone) would talk face to face surrounded by “the rest of the freedom fighters” and bring to light the whole issue and resolve it. Dr. Breggin did nothing but speak the truth. Malone sided with the enemy. Now what?
Computer generated, in Silico virus , causing completely nonspecific symptoms, occurring as flu cases disappear, diagnosed with a test with a 99% false positivity, causing no excess deaths during the supposed pandemic, leading to an unprecedented increase in deaths once the “cure” was rolled out.
Is there any other way to look at this?