Down to the Wire
Brownstone’s annual conference and gala are this coming weekend. We are widely excited to welcome more guests than ever before at the magnificent William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh.
Brownstone’s annual conference and gala are this coming weekend. This is the last message you will see before it takes place. We are widely excited to welcome more guests than ever before at the magnificent William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, only a few days before the election.
The event will be live-streamed on X and Rumble, so please consider joining us. You can search for Brownstone Institute and it should come up immediately. The event starts Friday, November 1, at 10:00am and extends through the evening of the following day.
Meanwhile, the drama concerning the election is reaching a fevered pitch. No one wants to talk about it because both major political parties and the whole of the media was involved but the pandemic lockdowns are a major factor in the mood of the public. They destroyed faith in government, media, law, and many industries, while wrecking economies, literacy, and much more.
The lockdowns also put on display a global hegemon of compulsion the likes of which we’ve never seen, including mandates for untested shots that proved severely harmful. The resulting trauma has disrupted regimes the world over.
Brownstone has been your guide throughout, and remains the essential voice for the rebuilding. Thank you as always for your generous support, without which our many programs could not operate. We obviously get no government funds and no large foundations are backing us. It’s all up to you!
Our next Philadelphia supper club will be on Thursday, November 7. Come spend an evening with friends and guest speaker Thomas Harrington, Senior Brownstone Scholar and Brownstone Fellow, as well as author of The Treason of the Experts: Covid and the Credentialed Class.
Here is some content since our last email.
The Most Devastating Report So Far By Jayanta Bhattacharya. The House report on HHS Covid propaganda is devastating. The Biden administration spent almost $1 billion to push falsehoods about Covid vaccines, boosters, and masks on the American people.
Trump’s 19th-Century Solution to Fiscal Disaster By David Stockman. Notwithstanding its shortcomings, a revenue tariff is a start in the right direction. Trump’s bold stance in favor of taxing consumption rather than income and requiring all households to bear the cost of government is superior to the status quo.
History Rhymes: Freedom from Fear By James Bovard. Why not offer voters “freedom from the Constitution?” “Freedom from fear” means security via mass delusions about the nature of political power. Perhaps our ruling class should replace the Bill of Rights: “Political buncombe will make you free.”
The Trans Community Can Learn from Adoptive Parents By Gabrielle Bauer. Adoptive parents know, and everyone around them knows, that they are not “exactly the same” as biological parents. It’s not fair, but life has never promised fairness, so they deal with it. See where I’m going with this?
Is the Influenza Threat Exaggerated? By Tom Jefferson. Influenza is rare, loads more agents causing the same signs and symptoms are lumped under the appalling term “flu,” and population interventions such as inactivated vaccines do not stand a chance against a relatively rare moving target like influenza.
Vaccines and the Length of Our Lives By David Bell. The commercial imperative to extract money from human bodies is playing havoc with medical education. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the field of vaccines, and their place in determining the length of our lives.
Amazon’s Threefold Injustice By Daniel Klein. Funny that a company so concerned with justice itself failed to act justly, and in three senses. Amazon estimated objects improperly, distributed its own resources in an unbecoming way, and messed with other people’s stuff, specifically the filmmakers’ promises due.
Black Swan, White Swan By Julie Ponesse. Whether or not Covid was a true black swan event is not my focus here. I’m interested in Taleb’s more general epistemological point that what catches us off guard would not have done so if we had a different perspective.
The Censors Are Coming for Mental Health By Steven Morgan. In a utopian world where absolute truth is decipherable, we are surely obliged to separate fact from fiction. But in a corruptible world, it’s worth remembering that medical patients are often encouraged to seek a second opinion.
Asking Eve’s Help in the Time of Lockdown By Sarah Hinlicky Wilson. Of all the objections to the Covid-industrial complex you did not expect, chief among them ought to rank Gracia Grindal’s religious protest poems, Epistles to Eve. You will find yourself meditating on the strangeness of humanity’s discovery of itself.
Why Has Public Health Been Reduced to Drag? By Toby Rogers. I want to explore two questions: Why has public health been reduced to drag? What does it mean to live in a society where the vast majority of civil society has lost access to logic and reason?
Germany Is the EU’s Censorship Champion By Robert Kogon. Note that in the period covered in X’s latest “Transparency Report” to the EU on its “content moderation” efforts, nearly 90% of such requests for information on the purveyors of ostensibly “illegal or harmful speech” came from one country: Germany.
Friends and Enemies of Human Conscience By Christiaan W.J.M. Alting von Geusau. This brings us to the root of the problem that I would like to discuss, the primacy of conscience versus the propaganda of progress and the resulting technocratic paradigm of modern Western society.
The Global Assault on Religious Freedom By Brownstone Institute. Christianity threatens the regime because it demands faith in something greater than the state. The assault on religion is not collateral damage in the war against free expression; suppressing worship is fundamental to the cause of tyranny.
The White Woman’s Burden By Thomas Harrington. Those assuming the White Woman’s Burden believe that there is a moral elect embedded in almost every population whose job it is to liberate the majority from their weaknesses and superstitions through instruction, and if need be, loving coercion.