Did you hear about the Project Veritas video of the Pfizer employee admitting that the company dabbles in what seems like gain-of-function research? If so, it means that you read Epoch Times, Twitter, or some Substack accounts, or listen to Tucker Carlson. Otherwise, the national media was stone-cold silent for three solid days. YouTube has taken down the video – even though it’s already been seen by tens of millions.Â
Consider what this means. Let’s say that Pfizer had a financial stake in lockdowns, forced masking, forced vaccination, and the entire Covid response for the last three years. The silence on the latest news is a window into how and why the media story was so incredibly one-sided throughout. And why so many people now remain so propagandized and traumatized by it.Â
Brownstone has been fighting these battles for a very long time and we are so grateful for your work in sharing our content.Â
Quick points:
Blindsight Is 2020 by Gabrielle Baurer is now available. You will want this book as a tribute to those who refused to go along during the great crisis of our lives.Â
We are strongly leaning toward creating a Shadow World Health Organization to shine the light on our new overlords and offer another way. It’s a two-year effort. If you are interested in helping with a larger gift, please drop a note to our President.Â
Our little supper club just blew up in size! We had 90 people last Wednesday in Connecticut and had to cut off registration. Pierre Kory did the presentation and he was amazing.Â
The hysterical attacks and misinformation about Brownstone are certainly intensifying but that is a tribute to the reach and impact. And we always appreciated your financial support.Â
Here is some content from this week:
The Sovietization of Medical Care BY JEFFREY A. TUCKERÂ The further we move away from health care as essentially a doctor/patient relationship, with freedom of choice on all sides, and the more we allow central plans to replace on-the-ground clinical wisdom, the less it looks like quality health care and the less it contributes to public health. The Soviets already tried this path. It did not work. Health-care by modeling and data targeting: we tried it over the last three years with horrible results.Â
Humanity Must Move Beyond Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt BY MICHAÉLA C. SCHIPPERS FUD first brought about by a crisis in health, cascaded into loss of faith in government, in the people around us and sometimes in ourselves. Three years is too long a time for FUD to be considered a crisis, but when a crisis is not resolved, loss of hope is the outcome. Many people have lost work, friends, health and even their lives as a result.Â
The War on Doctors and Patients BY PIERRE KORY. The suppression of doctors’ freedom to advise and treat patients began early in the pandemic. Promising alternative courses of treatment, such as generic drugs like ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, were shouted down by false news narratives. Media companies took their cues from public health agencies, which exaggerated concerns over people using medicines to treat COVID in ways that were not intended and against medical advice. Positive clinical data was ignored.
The Grim Future of Establishment Journalism  BY DAVID JAMES. The professional liars have won. Newsrooms have been eviscerated because Google and Facebook took all the advertising revenue, and the spin merchants in business, government and nonprofits have almost limitless resources. If journalism – as opposed to commentary in blogs, websites, social media, and online channels – is to have a future, a new approach is needed.
CIA Agent Cloaks Lockdown Propaganda in Concern for China BY DEBBIE LERMAN. If anyone is wondering why it’s important to debunk and expose all of the fictions and propaganda of the Covid biosecurity agenda, this tiny window into the terrifying vision they have for our future is the answer.
The West Must Never Again Go Totalitarian BY JOAKIM BOOK. We might still have food on the shelves — though of worse quality and at much higher prices. We might still have the ability to move and work and travel, but heavily circumscribed, always at risk of canceling and always with papers showing the number of needles in your arm, or your scarred heart tissue. Nobody is torturing us (yet anyway) and for the most part we have some semblance of rights and freedoms remaining. But we’re closer to that horrific totalitarian world today than we were, say, five years ago.
The Impending US ICD Vaccine Passport and Its Unconstitutionality BY HARVEY RISCH. The government itself—through the CDC—has determined that vaccination status is not of policy importance. There can thus be no compelling interest for the government to forcibly collect this information against the wishes of the population, even were it not stigmatizing. So much more so after the government has spent the last two years publicly demonizing unvaccinated people for their rational and legitimate personal health choices.
Timeline: The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 BY EMILY KOPP. This timeline compiles numerous sources in an effort to covey the backstory of the enormously influential article. The timeline is likely to grow as more information emerges. All times have been approximated to Eastern Time.
Engineered, Yes, but in the Wuhan Lab? BY WILL JONES. In fact, there is no evidence the Chinese were aware of the outbreak at all before December. U.S. intelligence has stated it does not have evidence the Chinese were aware of it prior to then, and this is consistent with how the Chinese themselves behaved.Â
Yoga Could Lead to Non-Compliance, Warns NPR Â BY AVATANS KUMAR. A Yoga teacher named Guru Jagat held in-person maskless Yoga classes in defiance of local stay-at-home orders, practices NPR cites as proof that she lost her mind. The author of the NPR article makes a series of unfounded claims about Yoga. In doing so, the author finds herself entangled in disinformation and reductionist arguments against Yoga and Hinduism.Â
Why N95 Masks Fail to Stop the Spread BY MEGAN MANSELL. By examining the hypothetical best-case scenario, we can better predict if a given measure will have a mitigating impact on the identified hazard. For N95s versus output, particle- to- PFU ratios, and MID for SARS-CoV-2, best-case scenario of hypothetical perfect capture of matter that these apparatuses are neither designed nor approved to capture shows them to still be non-mitigating for this hazard, and recommendations for their use should be immediately reconsidered.Â
The Great Resignation in a Collapsing Health System BY CARLA PEETERS. In an increasing number of countries all over the world chaos and despair is rising. People are more frequently ill and dying at higher rates than the past 50 years. At the same time health systems are deteriorating. We need to rethink humanness of health systems versus cold technological solutions. Â
The Early Career of Covid Czar Robert Kadlec BY PAULA JARDINE. The name Robert Kadlec may mean nothing to you, but anyone who has watched Stanley Kubrick’s Cold War era satirical masterpiece Dr Strangelove will quickly get the idea of who this man is. Colonel Kadlec is the General Ripper of the War on Microbes. It is no small irony that the Biodefense Commission that Kadlec set up in 2014 is funded by the Hudson Institute, which was co-founded by Herman Kahn, the Rand Corporation war gamer.Â
Jordan Peterson Against the Spirit of Totalitarianism BY THORSTEINN SIGLAUGSSON. Freedom of expression is the ultimate test of totalitarianism. Totalitarianism begins in the psyche of the extremists. Then it appears in the willingness to take away people’s freedoms. It appears in contradictions and untruths. But the opposition to free speech is what ultimately exposes totalitarianism beyond any doubt.
The Game Is Over and They Have Lost BY ROBERT BLUMEN. The script has worn itself out. These tropes are now tired and ineffective. The fear pushers seem unaware that the message has lost its effect, but do not have anything else to offer. The tell is not that they publish articles like this. It is how much these pieces show that they don’t know that the game is over and they have lost.Â
Japan’s Covid Nightmare  BY RAMESH THAKUR. Japan hit 80 percent full vaccination (which translates into over 90 percent vaccination of adults) on 9 December 2021 when its Covid daily death rate was 0.01 per million. This had risen to 3.43 per million on 9 January 2023. Total deaths had increased from 18,370 to 63,777 over that period. Thus 2.5 times as many people died with Covid in the 13.5 months after than in the 21.3 months before 80 percent full vaccination. Yet they still refuse to entertain the notion that vaccines might be the problem, not the solution.
Reverse that paradigm to get closer to the truth. "Does government own all major media and Pfizer?"
i.e. Straw man ownership, arm-in-arm ownership, ghost ownership.
...or perhaps, Fascism - nominal private ownership rights, controlled and directed by a central authoritarian government.
But Pfizer doesn't own the others. It is purely a pass-through enterprise. With deep ties to the defense industry (biodefense), as the CDC is first and foremost, a defense agency creation. Aligned with DARPA. It's enemy is the American people and the people of the world. Particularly all who dare to challenge it, challenge their authority in a post-constitutional republic that makes up the laws as it goes along.
I actually subscribe to Project Veritas and a ton of Substacks. I am a little surprised this one took off - I thought most of what the guy said was already known. I’m glad it did, just surprised. Based on personal experience with middle management, multinational c-suite executives, and consulting groups like McKinsey - lack of any moral compass, arrogance to rival an Egyptian Pharaoh, and middling intelligence with expensive credentials required to exhibit exceptional excel and test taking skills are prerequisites for employment. I see no evidence Pfizer is any different so I saw nothing other than exactly what I’d expect. Call me crazy but the guy Veritas caught bragging about giving 14 year olds butt plugs in class was more shocking. That the school defended the sex toy lesson was vomit inducing. If someone did that at my kids’ elite private school the parents would end up following the words of Jesus to off said administrator. In any event, I’m not remotely surprised the propaganda oligarchy masquerading as the mainstream media wouldn’t touch this story with a 20 foot pole. They want their piece of the taxpayer funds reallocation scheme masquerading as advertising.