Did Covid Vaccines Save Tens of Millions of Lives?
An absurdly false study makes international headlines
In a world demoralized from lockdowns, Covid vaccines offered great hope. Those hopes are now thoroughly shattered, and for two reasons: the mandates were brutal and also their effectiveness was nothing like the promise. We need some honesty here, not more ridiculous models claiming that which is clearly untrue.
Meanwhile, economies around the world are shattered, with most of the damage easily traceable to egregious public health measures for which few today are willing to take responsibility.
Brownstone Institute content this week has addressed these issues and many more. Thank you for sharing them with your networks, and your always generous support of our work.
The Eric Adams Cure for Non-Compliance: Compliance BY THOMAS HARRINGTON. For all their talk about following the science, they’d rather be tortured at Guantanamo Bay than actually read it. Given that the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission there is absolutely no social reason to get the vaccine and thus no reason to compel anyone to take it. Period.
The Oppressions of Forced Solitude BY MARK OSHINSKIE. In normal times, we find ourselves alone often enough. No one had any business arbitrarily isolating people from each other. It was clearly punitive, manipulative, malicious and political. It didn’t protect public health. It worsened it, significantly.
The Attack on Juul Is a Scandal BY RYAN LAU. If the FDA’s so-called health standards include things like preventing lung cancer, why on earth are they targeting the devices widely known to be 95% safer (or more) than actual cigarettes?
Did Covid Vaccines Save Tens of Millions of Lives? BY ROGER KOOPS. The mathematical models assume the same level of mortality susceptibility across all populations. This assumption we know to be a fallacy and completely negates any of their “models.”
EU Renews Digital Covid Pass Despite 99% Negative Public Feedback BY ROBERT KOGON. The certificate regulation was originally adopted in June of last year, ostensibly to facilitate “safe travel” between EU member states. But the EU digital certificate quickly evolved into the model and sometimes infrastructure for the domestic “health” or Covid passes that would serve to restrict access to many other areas of social life over the following year.
Most Journalists are Scientifically Unqualified BY ROBERT MALONE. If the public and policy makers wish to continue to rely on corporate legacy press to help them to understand complicated scientific and technical issues, “advocacy journalism” reporters need to get back in their lane and leave scientific and medical interpretation to experienced professionals.
Revenge of the Locked-Down Voters BY BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE. The current global discontent with economic life is overwhelmingly a function of one other word: lockdown. Lockdowns are normally associated with prison riots, not the world’s economies.
The Spasmodic Chaos of the Post-Lockdown US Economy BY DAVID STOCKMAN. The business sector is flying blind: It can’t forecast what’s coming down the pike in the normal manner based on tried and true rules of cause and effect. In many cases, the normal market signals have gone kerflooey as exemplified by the recent big box retailers’ warnings that they are loaded with the wrong inventory and will be taking painful discounts to clear the decks.
The FDA’s “Future Framework” for Covid Vaccines Is a Reckless Plan BY TOBY ROGERS. Viruses that evolve rapidly are bad candidates for a vaccine. There is no vaccine for the common cold nor HIV because these viruses evolve too quickly for a vaccine to be effective. The SARS-CoV-2 virus is a bad candidate for a vaccine, as it has rapidly mutated, which is why all previous attempts to develop a vaccine against coronaviruses have failed.
There Is No Basis for the FDA to Authorize Covid Vaccines For Toddlers BY IAN MILLER. “Experts” are so desperate to maintain their reputations and avoid being labeled an “anti-vaxxer” by influencers like Eric Feigl-Ding, Angela Rasmussen and others that they appear to be unwilling to call out flaws in the decision making process.
California Plotting to Punish Medical Dissent BY AARON KHERIATY. If this bill passes, any physician who raises these or other inconvenient scientific facts or study findings could be disciplined by the medical board.
We Must Never Forget BY THORSTEINN SIGLAUGSSON. We have to move on. We have to rebuild our societies, reestablish our moral values and our rights, rebuild trust in science and trust within our communities. But to truly move on, we must face, understand and act on the roots of the catastrophe, and take full responsibility for the part each of us played. This is why we must not forget. We must never forget.
We Can All Be Evil and the Germans Were Nothing Special BY PAUL FRIJTERS, GIGI FOSTER, MICHAEL BAKER. For young Germans, the covid period has a bittersweet silver lining. It has become clear, again, that the Nazis of the 1930s were entirely normal people, and that everyone else in the world can be a Nazi too. The Germans can release themselves from the belief that there is anything abnormally evil about being German. There is a potential Nazi in all of us.
The Lockdown Advocacy of Devi Sridhar BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. We will wait in vain for any sort of extended literary mea culpas. Not even the pensive afterword comes close. After all, when the next great health crisis presents itself, the WHO pushes for lockdowns again, and the major media empires need some great excuse to order people back home to be glued to the screen, the expertise of these compelling pundits – now with real media experience – will need to be called upon again.
How I Almost Did Not Graduate from Stanford University BY MAXWELL MEYER. Stanford should end its vaccine mandate entirely. It’s an unscientific and unethical imposition on students who do not need protection from COVID-19 with vaccines or otherwise. And that includes the Stanford students who are on campus, going to class, and those without prior infection and natural immunity. COVID-19 was never a major threat to us young people, and it still isn’t.
How the Media Fueled the Lockdowns BY MICHAEL BETRUS. History needs to remember the lockdowns as the most harmful, ineffective public policy America and the world had ever seen. Study the data for yourself next time and reconcile any one opinion you hear with another that gives an opposing view.
At the Military Olympics, October 2019, Wuhan, China, Athletes Caught Covid BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The case for deep investigations is obvious. That so many US military personnel became sick at a locked-down Wuhan event in October 2019 raises profound questions about the timeline, the source of the virus, and who knew what and when, and how a possible attempt to suppress the truth might have contributed to the spreading of a brutal policy the world over.
Covid Exposed the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Government Complex BY MARK OSHINSKIE. The Med/Pharma/Gov establishment, including the NIH and CDC, hasn’t saved America during 2020-22. To the contrary, Covid interventions have worsened overall societal outcomes. These net harms should have inflicted—and, depending on longer-term vaxx effects, may yet inflict—a big black eye on the Medical Industrial Complex.
When Generals Quibble BY SCOTT STURMAN. Integrity, trust, and honesty are character traits that are unwisely discarded to curry fleeting favor with the press and political establishment. The political general, who employs the language of the quibbler, obscures the truth and makes the boundary between politicians and military leaders indistinguishable.
The Fauci Protocol: Treating Fauci’s Covid Diagnosis According to His Own ‘Standard of Care’ BY JORDAN SCHACHTEL. The Fauch has been quoted as saying: “I would prefer, and we all would prefer that people would be voluntarily getting vaccinated, but if they’re not gonna do that, sometimes you’ve got to do things that are unpopular.”
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