Last week, our writer William Spruance appeared on Tucker Carlson to tell of his harrowing experience at Georgetown Law School, based on a piece he wrote for Brownstone Institute.
After having had in-person classes canceled for a year, he made some mild objections to the mandatory masking and other silly restrictions. He was suspended from campus, forced to undergo a psychiatric evaluation, and required to waive my right to medical confidentiality. They even threatened to report him to state bar associations.
We’ve posted the clip on our Twitter account.
Time on TV is limited but the deeper back story is that William printed out hundreds of pages of material from Brownstone to cite as evidence against the restrictions. He was reinstated after it became clear that the law school had no case.
Here is the power of ideas at work. Working in the realm of ideas is less flashy that politics or public rallies, but it is ultimately more effective. It is the foundation of our whole mission.
As a supporter of Brownstone, you should know that the research and work pushed out from this tiny non-profit has made a profound difference in millions of lives during these emergency times. We know this from the thousands of emails we receive from around the country and world, the multitudes of translations and reprints, the many citations in court documents, and the touching stories of changed lives we hear daily.
Keep in mind that we are not supported by governments, well-heeled oligarchs, scammy money laundering operations like FTX or anything like that. Our work depends entirely on the idealism of our supporters, individuals who are not willing to sit back and do nothing when civilization itself is at stake. Brownstone uses every possible means to push back: research, daily content, books, events, interviews, and international reach.
We are always in need of support. We are not even two years old. Early on, donors took a risk. Now the evidence of our effectiveness is in. We hope you will join us as a first-time donor or consider a more generous gift if you are already a supporter. This is our means of keeping operations going and growing.
Meanwhile, our monthly supper club is bursting at the seams. The next meeting is April 19, and will feature Debbie Lerman, the powerful researcher who first discovered the role of the national security state in the Covid response. For that you can register now.
Here is some content since our last email:
What Happened to the Human Rights Lobby? BY DAVID MCGROGAN. They have little interest in traditional liberal values such as freedom of expression, freedom of association, and freedom of conscience, and in fact are often implicitly contemptuous of those values and think them to be dangerous. And they are fairly comfortable with the idea of the authorities bossing people around so long as it is for their own (purported) benefit. They, in other words, see themselves as being something like Plato’s class of ‘guardians’, who possess the wisdom to coordinate society as they see fit.
Tragically, US Travel Restrictions Remain in Place By Gwendolyn Kull. To make this abundantly clear for the public: Presidential Proclamation 10294 requiring non-citizen non-immigrants be vaccinated to enter the US will only end if President Biden rescinds it, Congress repeals it, or the Judiciary strikes it down. To date, no lawsuits have been filed challenging the ban on foreign visitors.
The Waiting-For-Pandemic Cult of Biodefense By Sasha Latypova. The Government mafia (HHS, NIH, DOD, DARPA, BARDA, DTRA, etc, etc,) and their vassals in academia, the biopharma industry, and media have all been feeding at the “biodefense” money trough for decades. What can be better than an invisible threat to justify printing and spending truckloads of money for mega-defense/research contracts, while flying to the global champagne-caviar events and giving each other diverse-inclusive-sustainable science awards?
The Emergency Is Not Over By Jeffrey A. Tucker. The lawless government that went into overdrive three years ago, even if its roots extend far back in time, has finally ensnared the president who was manipulated into pulling the trigger. So yes, the lockdowns and this apparently political Trump indictment are connected. They are all signs of a loss of government restraint, taking us back before the days of the Magna Carta.
The Buck Stops Where? By David Stockman. The most outrageous breakout of statist excess in US history happened on Donald Trump’s watch with his full complicity. In turn, these Covid-lockdown assaults on normal economic function transformed what was a mediocre economic record during his first 38 months in office into a complete disaster during the last 10 month
Serious Harms of the Covid-19 Vaccine: A Systematic Review By Maryanne Demasi. Given the difficulties of accessing regulatory data, obfuscations, and documented underreporting, we find it likely that there are other serious harms of the covid-19 vaccines, than those uncovered so far.
Social Isolation Bad For Social Mammals – Who Knew? By Daniel Nuccio. What were the cumulative health effects of encouraging, coercing, and forcing large populations into states of prolonged social isolation while simultaneously instilling in them intense fear and inflicting upon them economic uncertainty and hardship? What will the long-term effects of this be? And how could our public health experts not have considered that doing this to a social mammal might have been bad for their health?
The Contra Example of India’s Rejection of Indemnity for Pfizer By Ramesh Thakur. How does this help with the notion that mRNA vaccines might be driving Covid cases and deaths in many Western countries? Because the main vaccine administered in India is a virus-vector type. The Indian government would not agree to demands by Pfizer and Moderna that their approvals elsewhere, based on trial results from overseas, were sufficient to be granted emergency use authorization in India with full legal indemnity.