The day after the CDC decided to declare a truce, the twenty somethings running Twitter still haven’t gotten the message. They are on the warpath at the behest of government.
For the first time, Twitter took after Brownstone Institute for an article by a scientist. In this remarkable piece, Carla Peeters explains that most of the symptoms of long Covid can be traced to poisoning from masks themselves. The article is technical but compelling…and Twitter has decided that it should not be seen.
It’s bizarre because Brownstone has probably run 40 articles on the topic, including the definitive list of academic studies cited the world over.
So it goes, but from the beginning we knew this would be a threat. We’ve already decentralized to build a presence on every other major platform. We’ve also unplugged from the big three as much as possible. We’ve even eschewed Google’s freebies as a way of protecting your privacy.
One war seems to end just as so many others have begun. We always knew that this was fundamentally about the Bill of Rights. Some people don’t like it. It’s as simple as that.
Thank you as alway for supporting our work.
Here is some content from this week.
Dr. Birx’s Fake Science Revealed in Her Own Words BY DEBBIE LERMAN. In her “excruciating story” of the pandemic, The Silent Spread, Deborah Birx does not even try to make coherent scientific or public health policy arguments in favor of the Chinese-style totalitarian measures she advocated. Instead, she provides nonsensical, self-contradictory assertions – some downright false and others long disproven in the scientific literature.
CDC Quietly Ends Differentiation on Covid Vaccination Status BY MICHAEL SENGER. CDC’s COVID-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status
How Masking Contributes to Long Covid BY CARLA PEETERS. A lingering disorder that can last for months or years is affecting an increasing proportion of the workforce. The symptoms that contribute to Long Covid could be a result of pandemic measures and masking in particular. Increased exposure to microplastics, nanoparticles, chemicals in masks and nasopharyngeal tests parallel many of the symptoms that define Long Covid.
Why I Signed the Great Barrington Declaration BY DONALD BOUDREAUX. The Declaration merely reminded humanity of what was until early 2020 the consensus among public-health officials, including those at the World Health Organization, of the best means of dealing with respiratory pandemics. All the GBD did, really, was to advise that long-standing consensus be regained and followed.
The Brutalization of Compassion BY DAVID MCGROGAN. During the Covid era, we see the same schema writ large in the responses taken by governments across the globe. For the first time in human history, the availability of mass-testing allowed us to convince ourselves that we could measure the health of the population, holistically, in real time, and to generate precise statistics permitting us to do so – right down to the last ‘case’ or ‘death’.
Did Lockdowns Turn Americans Into Lazy Bums? BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. If governments say that the work ethic amounts to nothing but pathogenic spread, and we can all contribute more by staying home and doing less, it’s hard to go back. It wrecked a generation. We are paying the price now.
The Disastrous High-Tech War on a Pathogen BY W. AARON VANDIVER. If we carefully analyze each aspect of “world war” on Covid-19, we can see how each tactic and high-tech “weapon” has harmed human health, destabilized civil society, and possibly disrupted the ecological balance between the human population and the virus, while enriching private interests and empowering financially captured government regulators.
“If We Get Covid, So Be It” BY RAMESH THAKUR. Australia just elevated Covid hypocrisy to a whole new level. They arrived in Birmingham deeply troubled by the English approach to “living with the virus.” Maybe they will return home with the epiphany that in the final analysis, that is the only way to live.
The Demonization of Dissent BY MOLLY KINGSLEY. It is dangerously naive to dismiss this spike in vaccine hesitancy as the deluded actions of an indoctrinated minority of crackpots who must be brought to their senses. Denouncing parents who raise reasonable questions and challenges about risk/benefit for their children as heretic anti-vaxxers, as the public health machine in the US and UK has done repeatedly, is proving equally self-defeating.
The Cult That Took My Michael BY HANNAH GRACE. Michael lost more than two years of high school, his junior and senior years. Classes were conducted on Zoom, then later, two days per week in person, masked, and the other days on the computer. When school resumed in person, five days per week, students were masked and prohibited from sitting together at lunch and socializing normally. Fear infused every aspect of school.
Did Health Officials Enable Big Pharm to Defraud the Government? BY THOMAS HARRINGTON. It would seem at the very least that we are looking at a clear case of highly organized lying. Whether this lying rises to the level of colluding with a corporate entity to commit fraud against the US government remains unclear.
Freedom Itself Is Gravely in Peril BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. We are all watching as all the things we love – the way of life that many generations have fought to protect – are being swept away. And it is happening with not nearly enough explanation or protest.
Flatten the Curve: The Song BY BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE. Is it possible that the lockdowns would inspire interesting music? Yes, there is plenty out there. Here is a sample of an album forthcoming from composer Neil Baker.
Missouri and Louisiana Attorneys General Sue the Biden Administration Over Free Speech BY BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE. The state attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana have filed suit against the Biden administration. Among the plaintiffs are Brownstone Senior Scholars Martin Kulldorff, Jay Bhattacharya, and Aaron Kheriaty who have experienced this censorship first hand. The case is joined by the New Civil Liberties Alliance and filed in the US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana Monroe Division.
The Rights of the Previously Infected BY NATHAN TESKER. Suppose for the sake of argument that you accept natural immunity as equally good or better than vaccine-induced immunity in protecting from severe disease. What are the ethical consequences? Vaccinating the recovered without informing them that they don’t need it violates both the principles of informed consent and the classic medical ethic of not treating without necessity. Doses are wasted on the immune instead of saving the lives of the vulnerable in developing countries.
The Madness of Groupthink BY ROBERT MALONE. Janis’ insights into the process of groupthink in the context of dysfunctional public policy decision making profoundly foreshadowed the behaviors observed within the HHS COVID leadership team.
Data Theft and Government Power BY JOHN MAC GHLIONN. In the United States, according to Bennett Cyphers, a technologist who focuses on consumer privacy and state legislation, data brokers have formed an unholy alliance with the country’s military, intelligence communities, and law enforcement agencies. This immense, highly secretive partnership was established for one reason and one reason only—to surveil the actions and activities of U.S. citizens.
Just How Healthy Are These Labor Markets? BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. These troubles came about with the beginnings of lockdowns based on the outrageous presumption that “the economy” could be turned off and then turned on again. In so doing, governments privileged some and harmed others, creating a caste system based on skills and technologies, and then, eventually, vaccine status.
Humanity as Homo Ideologicus: On Hitoshi Imamura’s Theory of General Ideology BY NARUHIKO MIKADO. Anyone who is alert to our past should have noticed the ire with which the stronger have striven to silence and extinguish the weaker. It should remind us of those historical conflicts in which the party that was more powerful in number, status, and force and thus passed as righteous would later turn out to be tremendously disastrous.
Vaccines Will Not and Cannot Make this Virus Endemic. BY PIERRE KORY. While Americans across the ideological spectrum wish the president recovery, we must take this moment to acknowledge that a strategy blindly focused on vaccinations is not getting the job done.
Just sent this to twitter. We must NEVER forget what the governments and health authorities
did to us, NEVER.
Just sent this to twitter. We must NEVER forget what the governments and health authorities
did to us, NEVER.