Are the Covid mRNA Vaccines Safe?
It is the responsibility of the manufacturers and FDA to ensure that benefits outweigh harms. They have failed to do so.
You might notice the ramping up of disease panic again, with all the old confusions made new again. We are told that the new variant is the most virulent yet, without clarity about what that means. It’s all about inspiring fear, and that seems to be working in some areas of the country, as the Northeast masks up yet again.
Brownstone is on this case and many others, with excellent material this week.
As Military Ranks are Purged, US Is Unprepared for War BY P. MICHAEL PHILLIPS, PH.D. Shortsighted policies, some recent and some decades in the making, have worsened matters. Even now, before a shot has been fired, the Pentagon is struggling to recruit fresh troops, while at the same time it’s preparing to pitch 60,000 unvaccinated National Guardsmen and Reservists it relies on for routine mission support.
Brown University’s Silence on Post-Vaccine Myocarditis BY ANDREW BOSTO. In March, 2021, two months before enacting its mandatory, aggressive covid-19 vaccination campaign, a healthy 20-year-old male Brown University student was apparently hospitalized for covid-19 vaccine-induced myopericarditis. The University never disclosed this hospitalization, then, till now, ignoring the established ethics of risk/benefit-based informed consent.
Musk Declines to Save Twitter from Itself BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. Elon looked more closely at this vaunted ruling-class time waster and found vast puffery, low profitability, wildly inflated numbers concerning usage, and a vicious and expensive staff that hates his guts, while opposing free speech and the values of most regular American people.
The Best Mask Study Yet BY IAN MILLER. There was no statistically significant benefit to mandating masks in schools, in a comparison between two school districts located right next to each other, sharing very similar population demographics and secondary mitigation policies.
Proportionality and the Fog of War BY EILEEN NATUZZI. Our representatives and public health agencies have repeatedly violated the rule of proportionality and those who continue to do so without guidance from data on masking, mandates and vaccine effectiveness against Omicron must be called out on this. How many jobs have been lost because of lockdowns and then inappropriate vaccine mandates?
Model Misspecification and Grossly Inflated Estimates of Lives Saved BY SPIRO PANTAZATOS. While generative models are often a useful tool to simulate scenarios that have not occurred, inaccurate assumptions about model parameters can easily lead to model misspecification. In the case of Watson et al. 2022, they can lead to counterfactual simulations that grossly inflate estimates of deaths averted due to mass vaccinations.
The Crash and Burn of Credentialism BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. Whatever it is that the World Economic Forum is promising does not look especially impressive by comparison to the normal freedoms we took for granted. Indeed, we let the experts have a go at it and they created a monstrous experience for billions of people the world over. This will not be soon forgotten.
The Senior Executive Service: Heart of the Medical Deep State BY ROBERT MALONE. To break up these “public-private partnerships” which compromise the ability of HHS to perform essential oversight duties and truly protect the health of American Citizens from the rapacious practices and disgusting ethics of the medical-pharmaceutical complex (in which they behave as predators, and we have become the prey), we must sever the financial and organizational ties that bind the medical-pharmaceutical industrial complex to the HHS Administrative State, and which have been incrementally developed and deployed over many decades.
The Courage to Dissent…From the Left BY LAURA ROSEN COHEN. The unprecedented public health response to the pandemic; lockdowns, the censorship by Big Tech of dissenting medical voices and treatment options along with conflicting views on masking, vaccine, school closures and social-distancing policies have all contributed to deep and potentially irrevocable distrust of public health and government.
Anatomy of the Administrative State: The HHS BY ROBERT MALONE. Across two administrations led by presidents who have championed very different worldviews, HHS COVID policies have continued with little or no change; one administration seemingly flowing directly into the next with hardly a hiccough. If anything, under Biden the HHS arm of the US administrative state became more authoritarian, more unaccountable, and more decoupled from any need to consider the general social and economic consequences of their actions. As this has progressed, the HHS bureaucracy has become increasingly obsequious and deferential to the economic interests of the medical-pharmaceutical industrial complex.
Evil In Our Time: Naomi Wolf on the Covid Response BY THORSTEINN SIGLAUGSSON. The Bodies of Others is a personal, deeply empathic and excellently written tribute to the innermost layer of freedom, the very core that defines us as human beings. Or in Naomi Wolf’s own words: “The object of this spiritual battle? It seemed to be for nothing short of the human soul.”
We Lost Too Much Freedom, Polls Say BY MICHAEL SENGER. This poll may be the most promising news we’ve seen since Covid began. As lonely as it may sometimes seem being an anti-lockdown activist, these poll results go to show that it’s not just a handful of us who feel as we do—it’s actually billions. In India, especially, an overwhelming majority of respondents agreed that the government took away too much freedom during Covid, which is unsurprising when remembering scenes like these during lockdown.
University Vaccine Mandates Must End Now BY CATHY STEIN. One of the most nonsensical aspects of continuing COVID-19 vaccine mandates is that individuals who survived the mandates last year – that is, were fortunate enough to be granted religious and/or medical exemptions – have to reapply this year. Did these religious reasons suddenly change without the person complying with the mandate initially? Did these medical reasons that were severe enough to compel a physician to write an exemption suddenly go away?
How Many Among Us are Suckers? BY THOMAS HARRINGTON. We live in a time when powerful forces, wielding very powerful new informational weapons, seek to place a wedge between ourselves and practices which have long been essential to the search for self-knowledge, social meaning, and the ability to promote and safeguard human dignity.
Letter to the U.K. Gov from 76 Doctors BY ROBERT MALONE. This letter lays out comprehensive reasons why the recent U.S. FDA decision authorizing COVID vaccinations in infants and young children must not happen in the UK. The letter is well-sourced and accurate. Let us hope that main-stream media here in the USA and in the UK report on this letter in an unbiased fashion.
A Common Sense Look at 20 million Saved Lives BY MANFRED HORST. The Imperial College authors want us to believe that without the COVID vaccines the world’s total death toll would have risen by at least a third in 2021 (had they included China, their result would have come close to an increase of 50%), and that this rise would have been entirely due to COVID-19. How does this not seem completely ludicrous to anybody with a remnant of common and clinical sense?
How To Model Fallacy, According to the Lancet BY DAVID BELL.There is supposed to be a clear line between medical publishing and propaganda. No less so than in the pages of the Lancet, previously considered a relative bastion of integrity in publishing. Honesty in medical publishing, meaning publication on the basis of transparent rigorous review and impartiality, is of particular importance to medicine and public health. The outcomes of such publications contribute to saving or killing people.
What Happened to Don’t Be Evil? BY MICHAEL SENGER. Big Tech platforms openly collude with governments to suppress the speech of their own people, while overtly abusing the legal system and paying massive settlements to conceal the evidence of their collusion. They craft the false illusion of consensus on political issues of their own choosing, a power unprecedented in our democracy and historically held only by the most despotic regimes, promising in every instance to wield it for good, but falling short every time.
Stop Blaming Workers for the Labor Shortage BY JOHN TAMNY. It’s useful to think about in terms of what happened in March of 2020. It was then that politicians aggressively took away freedom. The very humans who drive all progress had become a lethal menace to one another, according to politicians and experts. Suddenly eating in a restaurant, trying on clothes in a clothing store, flying on a plane, or merely touching one’s face had life or death qualities.
Are the Covid mRNA Vaccines Safe? BY MARTIN KULLDORFF. Fraiman and colleagues have produced the best evidence yet regarding the overall safety of the mRNA vaccines. The results are concerning. It is the responsibility of the manufacturers and FDA to ensure that benefits outweigh harms. They have failed to do so.