An Incredible Week at Brownstone
Brownstone is a month away from its first anniversary of live content but we just experienced the best reach in our short history.
Brownstone is a month away from its first anniversary of live content but we just experienced the best reach in our short history. Covering all the important topics of the day, with an eye to the bigger picture that few are willing to take on, Brownstone has rocked many sectors of public life with new revelations, insights, research, and accessible analysis.
Maybe you would like to join us at our supper club on July 20, 2022, in West Hartford. We have limited space but each meeting so far has been a thrilling chance for us to get to know each other. You can sign up here.
As always, we very much appreciate your financial support, without which none of this would be possible.
Here is some recent content.
In Memory of Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko BY HARVEY RISCH. In his four years of struggle with what was a terminal cancer, Dr. Zelenko looked death in the eye numerous times. He said that these experiences made him unafraid of the opinions of men. But I think that he had a strength of character that enabled him to get to that point, separate from his own illness, that surely made him unique.
The End of Political and Ideological Allegiances BY PIERRE KORY. Tribalism and polarization have made our political and medical discourse nasty and divisive. Doctors must be kept above the partisan fray, not forced to take sides and pick a jersey. Our jobs are too important, and we need to be apolitical to maintain credibility with everyone who comes to us seeking treatment. Progress and innovative medical breakthroughs in the future depend on freedom and medical choice now.
The Mighty Gorsuch vs. the Administrative State: Quotes from West Virginia vs. EPA BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. To be sure, such high philosophy and clear thinking on representative democracy does not on its own dismantle the beast, but this case did rule against the EPA just as previous decisions have ruled against the CDC. It’s a great start.
The Insufferable Arrogance of the Constantly Wrong BY CLAYTON FOX. The saddest thing is that these media outlets and their flag bearers really think their readers are all morons. The New York Times believes that, in the midst of the Omicron wave as boosted person after boosted person was getting COVID, they could tell you these particular vaccines are still the way to eradicate this thing, and expect you to deny reality and nod your head.
How the Sausage Gets Made BY MICHAEL SENGER. The truth is that most people don’t particularly want to know what’s gone into these policies that they supported at least at some point, and for which they feel a little bit responsible.
Poke and Sniff: A Lesson from 1906 BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The case of poke-and-sniff in meat-packing should serve as a warning for all measures that claim to improve our health, whether designed to protect us from disease, balance our diet, or bring us safety or any other reason.
The Cure Was Vastly Worse than the Disease BY SETH SMITH. If we don’t keep speaking out about the horrors that the “public health” mafia, liberal elite, and mainstream scientific narrative has wrought upon us, we will continue down a path toward tyranny of a tiny coterie of “experts” who have perhaps intentionally led us into a miasma of destroyed human lives and societies.
The Deception Is Getting More Brazen BY IAN MILLER. It’s all part of the same depressing pattern. Experts and politicians are willing to lie or purposefully withhold information to achieve their goals.
The Age of Deference to Experts Is Over BY MICHAEL TOMLINSON. There has been a general feeling that in a public health emergency, anything goes. But on the contrary, in a public health emergency, when so much is at stake, the utmost care needs to be taken to find the right path, and not to fall into error, leading to unintended consequences. This involves exploring different paths rather than mandating one path and preventing any possibility of reconsideration.
What If People Actually Controlled the Government? BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. It seems remarkable that the executive order creating Schedule F was issued at all. It needs to be pressed upon any future reformers as a path to revisit, ideally with legislative support. Until that time, there will continue to be the grave problem that our elected officials are positioned to be little more than dancing marionettes while the administrative state wields all the real power.
The Long Arm of the Covid Saga BY GABRIELLE BAUER. Above all, we need to avoid turning long Covid into the new Scary Thing, the monster in the closet that leads a frightened public to demand longer and harsher restrictions on living. No level of protection is worth going through that exercise again.
The Normalization of Dishonesty in Medical Science BY THORSTEINN SIGLAUGSSON. We should be deeply concerned when we see a study, authored by around 40 medical doctors and PhDs, and peer-reviewed by I don‘t know how many, putting forth a claim that is obviously false, and supporting it with a source that doesn‘t support it.
The Trials of LA’s Unvaccinated City Workers BY DANIEL NUCCIO. For nearly a year, the lives of LA city employees who have chosen not to be vaccinated for COVID-19 have been turned upside down as they live each day with uncertainty and find themselves navigating a Kafkaesque labyrinth of local government bureaucracy.
More Flaws in the Vaccine Model Claiming 20 Million Lives Saved BY BHASKARAN RAMAN. It is possible that the jabs may have saved some lives, but the modeling study is likely grossly overestimating the same. Further, that (a) scientists have to resort to a modeling study with so many flaws, and that (b) news outlets have to resort to imbalanced coverage of the same without mention of financial conflicts of interest, does not speak too well of the possibility of a huge impact on lives saved. The scientific evidence to substantiate a jab as life-saving should always be a rigorous randomized control trial.
A New Western Religion Takes Shape BY GIGI FOSTER, PAUL FRIJTERS, MICHAEL BAKER. The new global institutions, politicians hope, will assist in ensuring the flock remains deeply obedient to their leaders, is preoccupied with self-loathing, and continues to be wary of any fellow man with whom they might have organised resistance.
The Astonishing Implications of Schedule F BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. Trump came to office promising to drain the swamp but it was very late in his term before he figured out the means at his disposal to do just that. His final effort took place merely two weeks before the election that was decided in favor of his opponent Biden, who quickly reversed this action just two days following an ordered review that would have reclassified, and thus gained control over, a sizable portion of the administrative state.
Lockdowns Harms Impossible to Cover Up BY MICHAEL SENGER. Currently, the mainstream left and right are starting to realize lockdowns were a big mistake, while many career bureaucrats are still stuck pretending lockdowns were the greatest medical breakthrough since penicillin. There really needs to be a bipartisan consensus that lockdowns were an unprecedented policy catastrophe before we can start to see justice and have undue foreign and financial influence taken seriously.
More Spasms of the Post-Lockdown Economy BY DAVID STOCKMAN. Once upon a time there was a joke about “I’m from Washington and I’m here to help you”. That’s now a reality and it’s no joke.
The Eric Adams Cure for Non-Compliance: Compliance BY THOMAS HARRINGTON. For all their talk about following the science, they’d rather be tortured at Guantanamo Bay than actually read it. Given that the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission there is absolutely no social reason to get the vaccine and thus no reason to compel anyone to take it. Period.
The Oppressions of Forced Solitude BY MARK OSHINSKIE. In normal times, we find ourselves alone often enough. No one had any business arbitrarily isolating people from each other. It was clearly punitive, manipulative, malicious and political. It didn’t protect public health. It worsened it, significantly.
Did Covid Vaccines Save Tens of Millions of Lives? BY ROGER KOOPS. The mathematical models assume the same level of mortality susceptibility across all populations. This assumption we know to be a fallacy and completely negates any of their “models.”
Most Journalists are Scientifically Unqualified BY ROBERT MALONE. If the public and policy makers wish to continue to rely on corporate legacy press to help them to understand complicated scientific and technical issues, “advocacy journalism” reporters need to get back in their lane and leave scientific and medical interpretation to experienced professionals.