All Warfare Is Based on Deception
‘All warfare is based on deception’ may be applied to our present situation, where a very powerful enemy has deceived us to its own advantage.
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have alluded to the ancient Chinese thinker, Sun Tzu’s treatise on The Art of War before, but have not illustrated at some length how his most famous saying (no. 18 of the section, Laying Plans, in the treatise) – ‘All warfare is based on deception’ – may be applied to our present situation, where a very powerful enemy, who has taken the initiative from the start of the present crisis, has deceived us to its own advantage, and is continuing to do so, at various levels.
The cost of being at the receiving end of the carefully planned actions, which are sometimes modified, as changing circumstances demand, has been high, but I have the distinct impression that the bunch of miscreants behind this sustained attempt to subjugate the rest of us has of late not been as successful in catching everyone unawares with their tricks. In other words, many people have been awakened from their involuntary slumber. Still, it’s worthwhile to remind ourselves of the extent of the deception perpetrated by the globalists, not only to prepare us for more of the same, or variations on it (such as ‘Mpox’), but also to cultivate an awareness that, perhaps, it is time for us to take the initiative where the opportunity presents itself.
Of course, apart from what I may list below, there is the more overarching deception that has occurred in the course of decades – what Christie Hutcherson calls ‘The Silent Coup,’ which has been unfolding in the background of everyday activities. Summarising the ‘Timeline of Democratic schemes to erode America,’ she writes:
1944: Bretton Woods Agreement established the IMF and the World Bank, promoting global economic policies that some argue undermine national sovereignty.
1971: Creation of the World Economic Forum (WEF) founded by Klaus Schwab to shape global, regional, and industry agendas.
1973: Trilateral Commission founded by David Rockefeller to foster cooperation among North America, Europe, and Asia.
1977: The Carter Administration policies, including the creation of the Department of Education, seen as centralizing control over education.
1992: The Rio Earth Summit led to the adoption of Agenda 21, promoting global sustainable development goals.
1994: The Crime Bill, authored by Joe Biden, leading to mass incarceration and manipulating social structures.
2001: The Patriot Act implemented following 9/11, eroding civil liberties and expanding government surveillance.
2008-2016: The Obama Administration 2009: Obama’s first term with support from George Soros. 2015: The Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA) signed. 2016: TPP, aiming to create a global economic bloc.
2020: The Election and Covid-19 pandemic used to push the ‘Great Reset’ narrative. Biden elected amid accusations of electoral manipulation and support from globalist donors.
It is worth reading Hutcherson’s informative article in its entirety, given its scope and systematic listing of all the individuals and organisations involved in this surreptitious undermining of America’s (and concomitantly many other countries’) sovereignty. It does not lack perspicacity either. Take this canny observation by her, for instance:
‘The Great Deception’ revealed the extent to which a president could be installed and controlled by unseen forces, fundamentally altering the nature of leadership and governance in the country. Former President Barack Obama provided a telling insight during an interview in which he speculated about a third term: ‘I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that.’ While said in jest, this comment underscores the potential for behind-the-scenes influence in a presidency.
Focusing on something in the last item of the ‘timeline,’ above, to wit: the ‘Covid-19 pandemic used to push the ‘Great Reset’ narrative,’ we know by now that the level and extent of deception in this area has been mind-boggling, to say the least. To many readers this is nothing new, so I’ll be succinct.
The so-called ‘pandemic,’ and all it entailed, is the most obvious instance of such deception, which has been covered by many individuals in writing, foremost among them figures such as Naomi Wolf, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Robert Malone, Joseph Mercola, Kees van der Pijl and others, whose findings I do not need to repeat here (see here for an overview of the deception in the guise of misinformation and disinformation). Here is an egregious example of (deliberate) disinformation, from 2021, when President Biden made what must have sounded like an authoritative statement on Covid ‘vaccines’ and ‘boosters,’ when he announced (The White House 2021):
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.
But there’s good news: If you’re vaccinated and you had your booster shot, you’re protected from severe illness and death — period.
Number two, booster shots work.
Three, boosters are free, safe, and convenient.
I need not elaborate on the sheer mendacity of these pronouncements from a president who has probably been nothing but a puppet on a string, and it’s not difficult to guess who has been holding this string.
The supposedly naturally evolved ‘virus,’ zoonotically ‘transferred’ from a bat and pangolin to humans, which turned out to have been manufactured in a laboratory, successfully pulled the wool over the eyes of the vast majority of people, given the rapid manner in which information about its ‘origin’ and dissemination across the world spread. This deception was exacerbated by the fact that, as we now know, the danger posed by the ‘virus’ was vastly exaggerated, particularly by means of television images of people in hospital, connected to ventilators, struggling to breathe – something we only later discovered to have been simulated by paid actors(which had the desired effect, nevertheless). While Covid is something not to take too lightly, with the right treatment it was not really any more of a threat than influenza.
In the town where we live, we were deceived too, at least initially, although the South African government’s draconian (and arguably unconstitutional) Covid lockdown measures that soon followed raised our suspicion, which was compounded by the sheer ridiculousness of other measures that went hand in hand with it, such as masking and social distancing. The final straw was when exercise, which had initially been ‘allowed’ by the minister of health, was quickly outlawed by the minister of police. After all, who should know better, between these two? As a result, I refused to stop my daily exercise excursion into the mountains; I merely changed the time to the evening, when I went up one of our mountains with a flashlight.
The level of deception was ratcheted up considerably with the release of the so-called Covid ‘vaccines,’ not merely as far as outright lying about their ‘efficacy and safety’ was concerned (as highlighted by the excerpt from Biden’s statement, above), but concomitantly, by gaslighting the public about the putative lack of curative effectiveness; in fact, the downright ‘danger,’ posed by the use of traditional medication such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
The sheer unscrupulousness of the ‘vaccine’ deception has become progressively apparent, with more and more evidence piling up regarding their lethality. The encompassing, 521-page study on worldwide Covid ‘vaccination’ mortality figures by Drs Denis Rancourt, Joseph Hickey, and Christian Linard, published in July 2024, pegs the number of deaths linked to the Covid ‘vaccines’ at 16.9 million ‘up to the end of 2022,’ with the clear implication, that more such deaths are likely to follow. Not pulling any punches, the authors of the study proclaim that:
We are compelled to state that the public health establishment and its agents fundamentally caused all the excess mortality in the covid period, via assaults on populations, harmful medical interventions and covid-19 vaccine rollouts.
We conclude that nothing special would have occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been acted upon.
More ominously, this is added at the end of this article (by Rhoda Wilson):
Expect far more death and destruction from these slow kill bioweapon ‘vaccines’ that not only cause severe adverse events over time, but have essentially transformed its recipients into genetically modified human spike protein factories.
The best way to attenuate said severe adverse reactions like turbo cancers may be to consider inexpensive repurposed drugs that actually cure diseases…
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
By now it should be crystal clear that the monsters who planned and have executed this unfolding democide have heeded Sun Tzu’s principle, that ‘all warfare is based on deception,’ to the hilt, and are still doing so. But their dastardly plans – at least some of them, if not all, yet – have been exposed, and some people (unlike others) are not scared to bring it out into the open, such as Japanese scientists and prosecutors, who have established a task team to investigate the colossal wave of deaths that has followed in the wake of the ‘vaccinations’ of the population. They uncompromisingly call this a ‘crime against humanity,’ and aim to bring the perpetrators to book.
Furthermore, Japan has declared a state of emergency, in light of the discovery of self-assembling nanobots in millions of their citizens who received the mRNA Covid ‘vaccines.’ Information on this traumatising discovery has been published by researchers from a Japanese university, in the prestigious International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research, which means that it carries sufficient weight to disabuse even the staunchest supporters of the ‘safety and effectiveness’ of these experimental jabs of their dogmatic beliefs. The deception is in the process of being unmasked, for all the world to see, and it ain’t a pretty sight.
The article linked above – which contains graphic information on the contents of the mRNA ‘vaccines’ – states, among other things, that:
Dr. Young Mi Lee and Dr. Daniel Broudy from Okinawa Christian University discovered these ‘undisclosed additional engineered components’ by isolating unused vaxx vials for 3 weeks, and then examined them under 400X magnification.
Lee and Broudy saw that when the nanotechnology was energized it created ‘discs, chains, spirals, tubes, and right-angle structures.’
The researchers…believe these mysterious nanoparticles are responsible for the explosion of ‘turbo cancer’ and autoimmune diseases around the globe.
They also concluded in the study their suspicion that these smart microscopic components are part of the elite’s ‘long-planned well-funded Internet of Bodies,’ which was described as a kind of ‘synthetic global central nervous system’ turning humans in to controllable ‘Biohybrid Magnetic Robots.’
The study ends by calling for a global ban on all mRNA shots, until these nanobots are studied long-term. They also demanded the labels ‘v*ccine’ and ‘safe and effective’ be removed because the concoction injected into billions is officially neither.
It is virtually incomprehensible that there are creatures walking around who, for all intents and purposes, pass for being human, while this appearance is, I submit, probably nothing but a disguise. After all, what kind of creature arrogates to itself – as Bill Gates does – the right to ‘patent’ human bodies with the purpose of using these bodies (which belong to you and me) as wireless transmitters (as explained in the last video linked above)? Has anyone given him the right to do so?
This draws attention to the strange compulsion, on the part of the (non-)elites, which the presenter (in the last video above) remarks on; namely, the curious fact that these psychopaths tell the rest of us in advance what it is they have up their sleeve – as in the case of Bill Gates. I have written here before on the film, produced by the Obamas – Leave the World Behind – as a specimen of so-called ‘predictive programming,’ where they accustom us beforehand to something they are planning to unleash, in this case a cyberattack designed to bring down the internet, and with it, eventually, the electricity grid, and, of course, the global economy.
Given the pervasive deception concerning the ‘virus,’ the ‘pandemic,’ and the ‘vaccines,’ it may seem as if this comprised a deviation from their rule of somehow communicating to us their plans, but this is the wrong impression. Some people may recall Event 201, where – in the shape of a kind of ‘tabletop exercise’ – the contours of (what was then) the coming ‘pandemic,’ were outlined in advance, stopping just short of stating explicitly that this was ‘in the pipeline.’ Hence, although it is no exaggeration to say that the globalists have been guilty of deceiving the rest of us in relation to most, if not all, of their attempts to destroy us, this statement must be seen in relation to the ‘policy’ of informing us of these beforehand in disguised fashion. We should learn to decipher these camouflaged missives.