A Year of Miracles
Some doctors and intellectuals who faced the end of their careers and bankruptcy now have bright futures. This is owed to the network put together by Brownstone Institute, thanks to your support.
One year ago, the events of today would have been inconceivable.
There is real hope for fundamental change in the air. Some doctors and intellectuals who faced the end of their careers and bankruptcy now have bright futures. This is owed to the network put together by Brownstone Institute, thanks to your support.
We’ve been a massive apparatus of ideas that has served as a rallying point of resistance for millions. This is starting to become a serious and paradigmatic model for the future of social order and governance. Indeed, Brownstone has many friends and associates headed to Washington, D.C., right now for positions with the new administration.
Political power has never been the point, for it is downstream from public culture and the world of ideas, which is our primary field of action and work. Here too we see huge change.
The CDC is revving up another disease panic, and CNN is even trotting out characters from the last fiasco such as Deborah Birx. They have a shot to market in any case. The model is the same: lockdown until vaccination. But this time, the chances of widespread compliance are extremely low.
This would have been inconceivable a year ago.
What changes await us in 2025? We all have an intuition: it is going to be eventful.
This is no time to let up. Indeed, we must all redouble our efforts in defense of freedom, informed consent, peace, and transparency in public life. We have made huge strides but there is a long way to go.
The Philadelphia supper club is on January 9 and features none other than Brownstone Founder and President Jeffrey Tucker! We hope to see you there.
We have a new location for supper club! It is Bloomington, Indiana. The date is January 13!
Here is some content since our last email.
Every Bureaucrat Destroys 138 Jobs By Peter St Onge. An Auburn University study says every single regulator destroys fully 158 private sector jobs every year you keep him on the job. With nearly 300,000 federal regulators, the shock is that we still have any jobs at all.
When Information Had Weight By Josh Stylman. We’re still learning how to integrate these technologies into our lives, much like we did with search engines and the internet – remember when answering a simple historical question required a trip to the library?
Congress’ Shield against Trump’s Hammer of Justice By El Gato Malo. As President-elect Trump prepares to take office, the swamp cannot be allowed to protect its own. If justice is to prevail, no one—not Schiff, not Swalwell, not Cheney—can be above the law. And that includes Congress.
Part One: The Architecture of Control By Josh Stylman. The mechanisms of cultural control we see today were built over more than a century. To understand how we arrived at this point, we must trace the historical foundations of these systems and the architecture of control that shaped them.
Is Peace Possible Today? By Bert Olivier. As we approach the New Year, when one traditionally comes up with ‘resolutions’ for the year ahead, and of initiating creative projects, one has to ask: is all of this just Heideggerian ‘idle talk,’ or is peace a realistic possibility?
Witches, Covid, and Our Dictatorial Democracy By James Bovard. King James I claimed a “divine right” to unlimited power in England, sparking fierce clashes with Parliament. Since the 9/11 attacks, some of the same principles have been advanced in this nation, but few people recognize the historical roots.
The Light That Shines above the Void By David Bell. The Christmas story, beyond the current themes of presents, food, and self-gratification, provides a window on how distant the world’s dominant value system is from that which recognition of meaning in life represents.
The Spies Who Hate Us By Jeffrey Tucker. The most astonishing court document just came out. It is a reverse chronicle of most of what CISA did from February 2020 until last year. We put it on fast view so you can see the entire thing.
The Progressive Authoritarian Tide Retreats By Ramesh Thakur. Governments have managed simultaneously to be increasingly out of touch with people’s real concerns and meddlesome busybodies interfering in people’s daily lives. The result is that the liberal democratic order is being stress-tested domestically just like the liberal international order.
Who Is Wei Cai, German Public Health’s ‘Hidden’ Scientist from Wuhan? By Robert Kogon. Why was the very existence of the RKI’s staff member from Wuhan redacted in the original official release of the “RKI Files?” Why were the minutes in question, now unredacted and revealing her existence, hidden in the ostensible leak?
Merry Christmas to the Merchants! By Jeffrey Tucker. We should all do more to celebrate our local merchants. They connect the community through hard work, great risk, tremendous creativity, and service, and yet too often, they do not get the appreciation they deserve.