A Soft Civil War
The revelations are coming so hard and fast that it is not humanly possible to keep up. Where this ends up no one knows but there is no question that the accounting is finally here.
The establishment at all levels has never before faced such disruption. Whole institutions are tumbling by weight of exposure to the hot fires of public judgment.
Public trust in general had already evaporated following the lockdowns and mandates. Most people now are prepared to believe the absolute worst about the commanding heights in government, media, medicine, science, academia, and the corporate elite.
The revelations are coming so hard and fast that it is not humanly possible to keep up. Plus we have new tools that allow the public an inside look at the machinations of the powerful. Where this ends up no one knows but there is no question that the accounting is finally here.
A telltale sign of civil war occurs when one is no longer sure who is in power.
Is it the judges blocking access to the books, the bureaucracies burrowing in, the media trying to revive all the old tropes, and the swaths of ruling elites who participated in the pillaging of the public over five years?
Or is it the renegade forces of MAGA/MAHA/DOGE that are deploying every tool to purge and disrupt?
Both sides claim the mantle of power. Both sides know that everything is at stake. They are prepared for a fight to the death. And yet, in the midst of this great struggle, there are confounding variables including duplicity, corruption, betrayal, and unexpected institutional resistance.
This great drama now defines our times. It is tragic but necessary. We all knew following the events of the last five years that nothing would ever be the same.
Brownstone has of course been a driving force for understanding these events, and now we are pleased to announce a European expansion. Please subscribe to Brownstone Espana, which is up and running and doing fantastic work.
Other extraordinary news: we managed to publish David Stockman’s book in a mere 10 days! The book is How to Cut $2 Trillion from the Federal Budget. Stockman is truly the world expert, the man who Ronald Reagan tagged as his first budget cutter. This book will be a powerful guide for the Trump administration.
Please buy as many copies as you can distribute. We have it priced as low as possible to inspire mass distribution and influence. It is available in physical and digital formats.
The plan is to send it to every Senator and Member of Congress. We need your help to make this possible: please donate here.
Leah Wilson speaks at our Midwest supper club on February 10. By the way, this new Brownstone supper club is going extremely well!
The next Philadelphia supper club will be on Wednesday, February 12. Guest speaker is Executive Vice President Nico Perrino of FIRE (The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression).
We are holding a book party for Stockman in West Hartford, CT, as a monthly supper club, on February 19. You can sign up here (capacity limit 100).
Here is some content since our last email.
ASPR and BARDA: Bureaucratic Dysfunction in Biodefense By Randall Bock. Unless the U.S. can streamline its biodefense system and balance security with diplomacy, we will continue to play a costly game of catch-up—spending billions only to be left in a precarious position when the next true biothreat materializes.
The Most Dramatic Narrative Shift in Modern History By Jeffrey Tucker. The meddling kids now include vast swaths of the world’s population, burning to put power back into the hands of the people as the liberal age promised long ago, while seeking justice for the wrongdoing of these last five years.
The Latest “Bird Flu” Psyop By Robert Malone. What is happening now with “bird flu” is another psyops campaign being conducted by the administrative/deep state, apparently in partnership with Pharma, against the American people. They know and we know that the “vaccines” being produced will be somewhat ineffective.
Trump Calls Time on Self-Flagellation By Ramesh Thakur. Western democracies have been pouring highly inflammable fuels on the bonfire of progressive vanities. Acts of self-flagellation include affirmative action policies that have morphed into DEI mandates, net-zero death wishes, political correctness, gender self-ID, and other proliferating examples of wokery-pokery.
The Real Purpose of Net Zero By Jefferey Jaxen. It has been assumed that leaders and policymakers, especially the United Nations, know these basic historical and current facts. Farmers are becoming endangered because of government policy to meet ‘climate goals’ and it’s being allowed to happen.
FDA Lab Uncovers Excess DNA Contamination in Covid-19 Vaccines By Maryanne Demasi. A new study conducted within the FDA’s own laboratory has revealed excessively high levels of DNA contamination in Pfizer’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccine. Tests found that residual DNA levels exceeded regulatory safety limits by 6 to 470 times.
The Balance Sheet of Pandemic Mortality By Michael Tomlinson. Policymakers should have been skeptical about the claims made early in 2020 that SARS-CoV-2 would produce extreme levels of mortality. This has implications for the claims that the strategy was a success because these levels of mortality did not eventuate.
Court Filings Reveal More Government Lies about Censorship By Aaron Kheriaty. The truth about government censorship continues to emerge for those willing to examine the evidence. Regardless of the final legal outcome in our case, we are succeeding through the discovery process in shedding much-needed light on the government’s operations.
The Analog versus the Digital Worlds By Jessica Rose. This piece is going to be an exploration of my own thoughts on the analog versus digital worlds from both a physical and a philosophical point of view. It will be an exploration of being “real” or “not real.”
Let the Covid Debates Begin! By Bill Rice. These hearings will probably constitute the closest thing to real debates the public will get to hear from officials offering myriad critiques of the world’s coordinated response to the “threat” of Covid-19.
The Covid Dossier By Debbie Lerman and Sasha Latypova. The Dossier contains information regarding the military/intelligence coordination of the Covid biodefense response in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy. For some countries, we have documentation of military/intelligence involvement, but not all the details.
The Grace of Dr. Jay By Alex Washburne. Even if confirmed as NIH director, you won’t see Jay spiking the ball. I can already imagine him caring about the bigger institution of science that benefits from evidence collection, bold analyses, and diverse views being shared and professionally examined.
The Unfinished War on Crypto By Aaron Day. How can we celebrate any so-called “victory” if people like Roger, and so many others, remain trapped in this legal nightmare? Closure will come when he can walk free and every politically motivated case against liberty-minded crypto innovators is dropped.
Fantastic list of articles, and keep the revelations coming! I'm glad to see Jessica Rose's piece The Analog versus the Digital Worlds up there – a topic that I'd expect an artist to broach but Jessica is such a polymath that she has access to many domains of insight! On y va, analog ahoy!