A Remarkable Discovery
Why was an agency supposedly dedicated to disease control intervening in how Americans select their leaders? Lets face it: the agencies wanted only one certain outcome, a loss for the then-president.
It turns out that the CDC strongly recommended universal mail-in voting from March 12, 2020, onwards, with zero concern for the risks.
Why was an agency supposedly dedicated to disease control intervening in how Americans select their leaders? Lets face it: the agencies wanted only one certain outcome, a loss for the then-president.
More details follow.
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Will we see you at the first inaugural Philadelphia supper club on Thursday April 4? You will meet new friends and hear a wonderful talk by the brilliant Debbie Lerman.
Here is some of our content since last week:
Two Weeks to Flatten Became Eight Months to Change the Election By Brownstone Institute. This is all theater. From the outset of the pandemic response, the liberalization of voting rules was integral, all justified based on nonscientific grounds while invoking the cover of science. It wasn’t stopping disease spread that drove the dramatic upheaval in the American system of voting that has caused such widespread distrust. It was the drive for a result different from one that swept the country four years earlier.
The CDC Intervened in Voting Protocols By Jeffrey Tucker. Does this imply that the goal of the whole wild episode was to unseat Trump from power? This would not explain why many of these same protocols were followed all over the world. Was Trump’s loss, real or manufactured, a benefit for those who ran the pandemic response? Most certainly. And the unearthing of this little change from the CDC – which found itself in the middle of the most contentious political struggle of modern times – certainly underscores the point.
Only Our Attention is Eternal By Thomas Harrington. It is the elites’ understanding of the prodigious power of attention that has led them to engage in their current campaigns of massive distraction, symbolized by the constant bombardments of noise we suffer in our public spaces and the building of massive, history-less no-places like the Museo Soumaya in Mexico City.
Fact-Checker, Check Thyself By Ramesh Thakur. Thorsteinn Siglaugsson was wickedly accurate in sketching the typology of fact-checking techniques. Create a straw-man argument that can be easily knocked down. Assert that a claim is not supported by evidence, is questioned by other experts, lacks context, is misleading, or is only partly true, etc. Engage in ad hominem attacks against the person rather than with their evidence and argument.
Where We Are Now By Brownstone Institute. The influence of this work has been extremely broad and deep throughout the world. And keep in mind, we were only founded in May 2021 and still only have the tiniest of staff, with a budget that is a miniscule fraction of what major think tanks in Washington and elsewhere spend every year, to say nothing of the Gates Foundation and government agencies. The experience absolutely proves that one dedicated group of people can do so much with just a little.
Ignorance, Stupidity, or Malice? By Rob Jenkins. So yes, the four-year debacle that is our collective Covid response is attributable in part to ignorance and in part to malice. But worse than either of those, and far more damaging to society in the long term, has been the sheer stupidity—humanity’s capacity for which I will never again underestimate.
The Renaissance of Our Hearts By Julie Ponesse. Little acts of kindness mean more than we thought and losing them means more than we might have realized. It also means we are in desperate need of a kindness renaissance.
Mechanisms of Harm: Introduction By Lori Weintz. This report is not a medical study or conclusive document. It presents various ideas and concerns shared by so-called “Covid dissidents” who, from the beginning, were concerned that our pandemic response was causing more harm than Covid-19 itself. No doubt there are other relevant points, and points of view, that are missing from this collection, but it’s a start. My hope is that this book will lead to thoughtful consideration, fruitful conversations, and the pursuit of additional knowledge.
The Amateur Who Unraveled Wuhan By Randall Bock. Matthew Tye, an independent documentarian with a chronicled decade of living in (and motorcycling throughout) China, developed a profound understanding of its culture and language. In March 2020, Tye emerged as a singular figure in the scrutiny of the origins of the Covid-19 virus, using primary sources such as job postings and communications between Chinese researchers – putting to shame a New York Times reporter’s top-down approach of channeling Dr. Fauci.
A Fauci for Every Farm Animal By Joel Salatin. All sorts of exemptions and loopholes exist around drugs. Both experimental and emergency use make an end run around licensing. This was the case with rBGH in dairy cows. The dairy industry didn’t have to disclose its use, on labels or otherwise, due to its “experimental” designation. If you’re thinking what I’m thinking (Pinky and the Brain) this sounds extremely similar to the clever-speak surrounding mRNA use on humans during Covid—experimental and emergency.
Plato’s Cave Resurrected By Bert Olivier. Just as, at any given time, there are conventions or ‘shadows’ that have a stranglehold on people’s ability to see beyond what current, tacit agreements allow one to see, today there are unprecedented, deliberately manufactured ‘shadows’ that govern the visible and auditory world. What are some of these?
Academics Raise Concerns About UK Covid-19 Inquiry By Maryanne Demasi. Over 50 prominent UK academics have signed an open letter to Baroness Heather Hallett, chair of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, calling for urgent action to address the shortcomings of the probe so far. The signatories of the letter say the Hallett Inquiry suffers from bias, false assumptions, and a lack of impartiality.
Harvard’s Latest Act of Shame By Peter C. Gotzsche. Harvard, once an esteemed and trustworthy source in science, has lost its way. The firing of Martin (Kulldorff) for speaking freely during the pandemic is a disaster for Harvard’s reputation. There is a petition for having Martin reinstated at Harvard, but we hope he is not interested in going back, which does not deserve to have a professor like him among its faculty.
We Failed the Freedom Test By John Whitehead. Everything I have warned about for years—government overreach, invasive surveillance, martial law, abuse of powers, militarized police, weaponized technology used to track and control the citizenry, and so on—has become part of the government’s arsenal of terrifying lockdown powers should the need arise. What we should be bracing for is: what comes next?
The EU is the Real Culprit of Censorship By Robert Kogon. It was thus the European Commission which was the driving force behind the wave of censorship which struck Covid-19 dissent from 2020 to 2022, certainly not the Biden administration, whose role was limited to making informal, essentially toothless requests. There was indeed coercion, there was indeed a threat. But it was coming from a different source: it was the looming threat of the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA).
Dear Colleagues: We Must Revive Sound Science By Bhaskaran Raman. We write this letter to you as a group of academicians, doctors, and professionals on the issue of a recent and extended beating taken by science and rationality, and the resultant current and ongoing concerns.
Perverse Incentives By Toby Rogers. A perverse incentive is when the rules, structures, or practices of any system reward bad behavior or sociopathic outcomes. I had to come up with my own definition because all of the official definitions claim that perverse incentives are unintended. However, after the events of the last four years many of us have grown skeptical that the harms we experience from bad policy and bad law are unintentional.
XX-XY Athletics: Because Real Fairness Matters By Jennifer Sey. We are not anti-trans. We are pro-woman. And we believe everyone deserves the chance to play fairly. The vast majority of Americans agree. But most are too afraid to speak up and be smeared as a bigot. I hope this brand – designed for and by women – can inspire the silent majority to stand up for women and girls. Our fans will know that when they join us, they’ll get the very best athletic clothing and they will not stand alone.
Four Years Later By Jeffrey Tucker. Has the dust settled? Far from it. It is everywhere. We are choking on it. The storm cloud comes in many forms: inflation, learning losses, ill-health, high crime, non-functioning government services, broken supply chains, shoddy work, displaced workers, substance abuse, mass loneliness, discredited authority, a growing real estate crisis, censored technology, and overweening state power.